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Here is a sample of some of the books prominently featured in the media this month. This month’s focus is March Mysteries/Thrillers.  Here are some recommendations for you to read while the March winds blow:

March 1:


Looking for Jane by Heather Marshall

Tap here for the review.

The BOLO Books Review:

A Killing of Innocents by Deborah Crombie

Tap here to read the review.


Don’t Know Tough by Eli Cranor

Tap here for the review.

Exiles by Jane Harper

Tap here for the review.

Kirkus Reviews:

Portrait of a Thief by Grace Li

Tap here to read the review.

Stone Cold Fox by Rachel Koller Croft

Tap here for the review.

The New York Journal of Books:

The 6:20 Man by Balducci, David

Tap here for the review.

The Nerd Daily:

Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

Tap here to read the review.


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