Memorial & Naming Rights
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Baldwin Public Library Trust
300 West Merrill Street
Birmingham, MI 48009
Location - View Map
300 W. Merrill St.
Birmingham, MI 48009
Library Hours
Monday–Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Upcoming Closures
April 20: Closed
Opportunities for Naming
Distinguished Effort: The naming of a space may honor or memorialize an individual who has achieved exceptional distinction in librarianship and/or other areas of knowledge management or who has served Baldwin in a professional capacity and has earned a state or national reputation for preeminent achievements in librarianship while employed by Baldwin. The credentials, character, and reputation of each individual shall be appropriately reviewed as part of the nomination process. A proposal for naming a space in honor of a member of the community shall also be considered when that person has given distinguished service to the Library that merits recognition in the Library’s history.
Deferred Gifts with Naming Rights: Deferred gifts are those gifts that are committed for Library use in the present, but received by the Library in the future. There may be many forms of such gifts. Deferred gift assets become available for investment by the Library when a donor transfers cash or assets to the Baldwin Public Library and obtains, in exchange, a life income based on the value of donated assets. The forms in which gifts may currently be established include, but are not limited to: charitable gift annuity (no trust); charitable remainder unitrust; charitable remainder annuity trust; pooled income fund (pooled trust); and charitable lead trust.
Each deferred gift plan shall have a mutually signed agreement that specifies the type of plan, amount of the income payments, and the purpose and use of the deferred gift.
People interested in developing this type of gift are encouraged to contact the Library Director to discuss their options. All plans for Deferred Gifts shall contain a written statement of intent with full details of the gift. The Library Director shall submit a recommendation to the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board for final acceptance.
Once a deferred gift has received formal acceptance by the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board, the gift shall be considered as irrevocable.
General Guidelines
- Negotiations for the naming rights for a particular space may be initiated by the Library Director, a benefactor, or other interested parties.
- In the event that the flow of funds agreed to constitute a naming opportunity ceases before the agreed time, the Library Director may recommend to the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board that the use of the benefactor’s name for the space be discontinued.
- When a major building project is to be undertaken, a tailored naming policy may be proposed. Such a policy shall require the endorsement of the Library Director for recommendation to the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board.
- If an individual or organization, after which a space has been named, comes into disrepute at the Library or in the community at large, the Library Director may recommend to the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board that the use of the name be discontinued.
- The Library Director shall submit all requests for naming rights to the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board in writing. The request shall contain a recommendation based on the criteria and objectives outlined in this policy. The Baldwin Public Library Trust Board shall review and research each submitted naming nomination on its individual merits.
- All contract documents must be finalized before the Library issues final approval for a naming opportunity and declares the officially recognized name of the space.
- Publicity for the proposed naming of the space may not occur until the recommendation for naming is submitted to the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board for approval. 8. Naming rights shall remain in place for a period of at least twenty-five (25) years, although a plaque shall remain in the location in perpetuity, acknowledging the name and the donation. In the event the space is significantly altered in a timeframe less than 75% of the agreed upon time when the gift was made, the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board shall roll the name forward in a similar capacity.
Gift Recognition Replacement-Special Considerations:
Any request to rename, add, or remove a name from a space within the Baldwin Public Library should include documentation pertaining to the original approval and subsequent name change proposal. In the event that donor names must be removed for new construction, or in the event the Library is destroyed by natural disaster and is rebuilt to be used for its original purpose, recognition shall be replaced per the original agreement.
In the event a building is drastically altered through construction, the Baldwin Public Library Trust Board shall reserve the right to add or alter gift recognition, including the name of the space. Any donor plaques displaced as a result of this shall be rededicated in an alternative location in accordance with the timeframe developed for the original gift.
When a named space has reached the end of its useful life and shall be replaced or substantially renovated, the replaced or renovated space may be renamed in recognition of a new donor or honoree. Appropriate recognition of earlier donors or honorees shall be included in or adjacent to new, renovated or redeveloped spaces.
Dedication Ceremony and Plaque:
Free Two-Hour Parking in Chester Street Deck
Metered street parking around Library
Free Parking on Sundays
Library Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Upcoming Closures:
April 20, 2025: Closed